
Thursday, September 7, 2023

My Blog has Moved!

Everything here has been copied and pasted to my hard drive for a refreshed posting on my new blog. I've finessed my photos (no more blurry ones), deleting bad links, updating information, etc.

Join me at my new blog location here:

Short story: my new blog is self-hosted which all my friends recommended I do, due to my 3 previous free blog hosting sites discontinuing services. My original photo storage site corrupted my photos and videos.

Long story:

2007-My blog debuts on Homeschool Blogger where I quickly made new friends and learned html coding to design my blog

2010-Homeschool Blogger moves to free Wordpress where I had to redesign everything, then weird coding errors appeared on the front end of all my blogposts

2013-Homeschool Blogger moves to an obscure platform. I move my blog to Blogspot. Then Photobucket changed the terms of service, putting stricter limits on photo storage, which corrupted my photos until I upgraded my plan. Seeing that Flickr had better service even if I have to pay, I moved to Flickr

2020-Blogspot suddenly removes support and abilities, such as SEO which is rather dead.

2021-I started organizing my old photos, deleting the blurry ones, touching up photos, and labeling them. Now I can find them!

Work in Progress Now:

  • Continue organize remaining photos on my hard drive.
  • Organize and label my Flickr photos. 
  • Refresh old blog posts for republishing at the new self-hosted blog: 

Hope to see you there!